Jacques Mbalanda

I decide to restore my soul

Have you often wondered how to get out of a state of permanent discouragement, bitterness, how to overcome daily frustrations or irritations, cycles of depression, unhealthy anger or even states of violence? Are you going through a recurring unacceptable situation to the point that your life is blocked without any way out? 

In this book, you will understand what leads to this inner status quo and its consequences, but more importantly, you will find the keys to change, through self-awareness and soul restoration, which will enable you to remove the locks and live a fulfilling and productive life. You will find practical cases applied to daily realities and based on the word of God. 

"The first real struggle of the new creation in its life is the struggle against its old system of thoughts, buried in its soul, itself fed by the five senses.
Jacques Mbalanda